Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Association Minutes



Present: Claire Kennard (Chairperson)
Norah Godfrey (Treasurer)
Efro Tooms (Acting Secretary)

Association Members: Susie Braithwaite, Martin Braund, Shan Braund, Celina Gee (Site Secretary), Les Gee, Dorothy Godfrey, Ann Harper, John Harper (Site Secretary), Annie Holder, Mariela Munoz del Valle, Brendon Stewart, Alison Stockdale, Jill Skinner (Tang Hall Primary School)

Apologies: Jonathan French, Catherine Hollingworth, Andy Holt, Kate McArdle, Tara Mason, Dave and Margaret Matthews, Adam Myers & Colin Smith fromYACIO, James Stockdale,


Claire welcomed everyone for coming and thanked all Association members for attending, and asked them all to introduce themselves. She also thanked everyone who had helped over the past year.


Claire presented her report regarding work and events that had happened over the year, as follows:

    1. Cabin Roof: The first big thing we needed to do was to repair the leaking roof of the portakabin and this was done by Nev Lowes with money donated by John Harper. The inside of the portakabin was then painted with paint donated by members and the work was done by John Harper, Mariela and Claire and John also painted the outside.
    2. Cabin Floor: The portakabin floor which was in bad repair and dangerous, was replaced and the cost was covered by money donated by YACIO, with a small contribution by the Association. Thanks to Tom Ambler for putting the floor down with help from Les and John.
    3. Manure: The supply of manure was arranged by Audrey and members were charged £1 per wheel barrow.
    4. Photo Shoot: There was a half page article on the new Glen Allotments Association in the Press in October, together with a photo of some of the members who were there on the day.
    5. Area at the entrance gate to the allotments: This area was cleared over a weekend by Les, Celina, Efro and Claire and all the plants used were donated. She asked that if any of our members had a little time to spare it would help if they could help with weeding the flower bed and keep it tidy.

    1. Association Member Tara Mason: Claire informed the meeting that Tara had submitted a garden design to Gardner’s World at their exhibition in Birmingham and that she had received a Bronze Medal. Claire will send photos of Tara’s garden will be put on John Harper’s blog, https:glenallotments.blogspot.com.
    2. Ward Funding: Glen Allotments Association had applied for Ward Funding to cover the cost of two picnic tables, a notice board for Association notices, and catering equipment. Thank you to Susie and Claire for the work they did on the application. We have now heard that we have been awarded the funds and we are going to go ahead with the purchase of the items.
    3. Minutes of Committee and AGMs will be put on John Harper’s blog (https:glenallotments.blogspot.com.) and, therefore, be accessible to all. Copies will also be displayed on the new Notice Board when installed.
    4. Site Secretaries Reports: Claire asked the Site Secretaries, Celina Gee and John Harper to update the membership of their work and responsibilities.
John stated that one of the big jobs is showing prospective tenants around and explaining conditions and then to have them complete the tenancy forms. They have had ten tenants in the last few months.

Celina then clarified certain rules:

  1. Sheds & Green Houses: Permission must be obtained from the Site Secretaries for these to be constructed and put on the allotment.
  2. The Notice Board in the parking area is for YACIO notices only. Members are encouraged to check for new notices/information.
  3. Site Secretaries do a site inspection once a month and if it is considered that an allotment needs to be cleaned up, a letter will go out from (Anna the YACIO Administrator) asking the allotment holder to do whatever is necessary. If this is a problem due to anyone being ill or there is some other problem, then the Site Secretaries should be contacted.
  4. Waiting List: At this time, there are 27 people on a waiting list.
  5. Skips: This year we were really disappointed with people putting in things they shouldn’t have. The skip was delivered on Friday and by Saturday morning it was full. Susie and Celina had to take stuff to Hazel Court. As always there are details of what can and can’t go into skips. The Site Secretaries will try to educate people to not bring things to the allotment if they are not going to be used on the allotment and are just brought for storage purposes.
  6. Tool Marking: Celina mentioned that we had the police come to the allotments to mark tools and other equipment. If necessary, she could arrange for this again.
  7. Break-ins/Stolen Items: Celina stated that in the event that allotment holders have had items stolen, break-ins or other anti social behaviour they should contact the police on 101. If
incidents are reported, there is more likelihood that there would

be more frequent patrols in the area and advise the Site Secretaries who will inform YACIO. Site Secretaries contact details are on the YACIO Notice Board in the car park.
  1. Glen Allotments Anniversary: John mentioned that the allotments are 100 years old this year and perhaps we should plan an event to celebrate.

    1. Tang Hall Primary School Allotment: Jill Skinner introduced herself as a teaching assistant at the school and the person responsible for the allotment held Tang Hall Primary School. She pointed out that the idea of the plot was to create a wild life area. However, the major issue was one of time and also that she could only bring two children when she is on her own. The school club has about sixteen children and the plot is the only green space they have. Members at the meeting agreed that they would help out with weeding if available. Jill would contact Claire about dates. Jill also said that members could go onto the school allotment and pick fruit from the trees. Also, the children’s equipment could be stored in the Cabin.
    2. Future Events: As YACIO now has public liability insurance, we could arrange events. Various ideas were put forward including (a) have an open day during the National Allotment Day period from 12th-18th August; (b) have speakers who could talk about gardening and what we could be growing and how to best use our allotments.
    3. Raising Funds for the Association: There were several suggestions on how we could raise money for the Association such as (a) selling tea, coffee and cakes at special events we arrange and at weekends; (b) sell spare produce to other allotment holders; (c) continue to sell manure; (d) gradually selling items such as plumbers’ tubing which is used around the allotments as a frame for netting and selling it to members by the metre. All these will be discussed at the Committee meetings.


Norah passed round a financial statement and confirmed that the Association Membership fee was £5 per plot. The manure that was purchased last year cost £50 and was sold to members for £1 per wheel barrow. It was agreed at Committee meeting that non-Association members will be charged £1.50 per wheel barrow. The cost of manure for this year will be £75.

We had received £300 from YACIO for repairs to the Cabin Floor and the Association had contributed a further £30.

At the time of this meeting, we had £162.39 in the bank account and £50 in petty cash.


Approval of the accounts was proposed by Claire and seconded by Efro.


Chairperson: Claire Kennard
Treasurer: Ann Harper
Secretary: Susie Braithwaite & Efro Tooms jointly


Approval of election of Officers mentioned above was proposed by Shan Braund and seconded by Les Gee.

Other members of the Committee are Les Gee, John Harper (Site Secretary), Tara Mason, Mariela Munoz del Valle and Jill Skinner


This was set for 10:00 am on Saturday, 4th July 2020


    1. Date of Next Association Meeting: Date to be discussed at next Committee meeting and email will be sent out to members.
    2. Next Committee Meeting: This will be held at 10:00 am on Thursday, 11th July at the Cabin.
    3. Tree Pruning: Ann pointed out that the trees around the Cabin need to be pruned back as they are hanging over the parking area. Celina and John to speak to YACIO about this. Brendon also asked whether it was possible for branches from pruned trees on allotments to be put through a chipper. Celina and John can also discuss this with YACIO.
    4. Susie said that she would do headers for the two notice boards, i.e. the notice board in the parking area for YACIO notices and the new notice board on the Cabin for Association notices.
    5. Celina also mentioned that Adi French, an artist who lives on East Parade and whose husband is an Association member, has kindly offered to decorate the outside of the Cabin with painted flowers.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.



I was meant to have got the minutes of the association meeting out. Health matters intervened and I have had to do a gall bladder flush to clear out an accumulation of  gall stones. When full of stones I tend to act a bit erratically and become different character who can get angry and starts shouting. If I have offended anyone during that time in the way I acted, please accept my apologies. The cleanse seems to have been fairly successful but I will follow the daily apple juice routine for a while longer.

I know there are many sceptics but I feel that it has worked for me. About 9 years ago I had a similar problem and was sent by my doctor for an ultrasound to confirm that it was gallstones. Because of the long wait, about a month, to get an ultrasound done, I decided in desperation to give it a try. There are many variations of this but for those of you who might be interested you can find it here. I followed this regime and feel much improved but will probably do another flush in the near future.

So now I just need to find the minutes and get them posted. They will now follow shortly, after a small interlude. You'll have to imagine the interlude music in the meantime.

Congratulations to Tara

  Congratulations to Tara who recently displayed a plot at Gardener's World and won a Bronze Award. Well done!

Saturday, April 20, 2019





Present: Claire Kennard, Chairperson
Efro Tooms , Secretary
Celina Gee
Les Gee
Mariela Munoz del Valle
Apologies: Susie Braithwaite
Dorothy Godfrey
Norah Godfrey
Audrey Johnstone
Margaret & Dave Matthews
Guest: Adam Myers, YACIO Trustee

The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 9 th February 2019 were
unanimously approved.
1. Portacabin Floor Update: Celina confirmed that YACIO had
approved monies for repairing of the floor with the Association
making a small contribution of approximately £32. As soon as the
money has been paid to the Association, Celina will arrange with
Tom McArdle to purchase the materials needed and work to be
done as quickly as possible.
2. Black Shed: The Committee had inspected the black shed and all
agreed that it was a safety hazard and needed to be demolished.
This demolition would be undertaken by YACIO with Association
help. Adam Myers to take this matter to the Trustees and see how
it should be done. Claire stated that she would like to see this done
as soon as possible because the shed is unsafe.
3. Notice Board for Association: See No. 4 below.
4. Police Marking of Tools: Celina confirmed that arrangements
have been made for the police to come to the allotments at 10:00
am on Saturday, 27 th April 2019 and again at 10:00 am on Sunday,

5 th May 2019. John Harper will be supervising on 27 th April and
Celina Gee on 5 th May.
Celina will be posting this information on the Notice Board.
Registration forms to have items marked will be available on the
day and Association members can download copy of the form
already emailed to them.
On the day, Celina will also distribute leaflets she has received
from the police regarding safety and security advice.
Adam suggested that perhaps non-allotment holders could also
bring items to be marked, but this would need to depend on how
much time the police will have. Celina to check.
5. Skip: There was some discussion regarding the need for people to
clean their allotments of non-recycling green waste. A question
was raised as to whether people who gave up an allotment were
required to clear it of all rubbish, and apparently this is the case.
If allotments are not cleared before being handed back, then there
is no refund of the £40 bond originally paid. Celina pointed out
that some of the allotments recently allocated had items that
needed to be disposed of.
With regard to the above, Celina will be arranging, through
YACIO, for a skip to be brought to the allotment for 18 th May 2019
and that this will be only for disposal of non-green waste and items
that might have been inherited from previous tenants.
6. Membership Cards: Unfortunately, neither Norah nor Susie were
able to attend the meeting so this matter will be carried forward to
the next meeting.
7. Association Blog: Ann Harper to put minutes of Association
meetings and other information relating to the Association on the
8. Report on Site Secretaries’ Meeting: Celina reported that at the
last Site Secretaries’ meeting, 70% of the rental covering all
sixteen sites in York had been paid, and finances were in good
Applications to YACIO for financial help for projects have been
received and monies allocated.
YACIO has contracted White Rose Company to cut grass and
hedges on all allotments. It was agreed that everyone was satisfied
with the work done.

It was also stressed that allotment holders should call 101 if there
is any damage/break-ins on their allotments. In addition, the Site
Secretaries should also be informed. It should be stressed that if
people report incidents of this type, then the police will be
prepared to take more action if there appears to be a problem in a
specific area.
The current thinking is that sheds should be left unlocked. This
would discourage potential thieves from thinking there is anything
valuable in the shed.
9. Report on RHS Affiliated Society: Claire informed the meeting
that she had looked into this matter and it was agreed that we
would not join at this time but this could be discussed in the
10. A Survey of Use of Current Community Plots for which YACIO is
Responsible For: Adam Myers stated that the results of this
survey are not yet available.
The Treasurer was unable to come to the meeting but Claire had been
informed that we had £170.81 in the Association’s bank account of
which approximately £32 would be paid out for our contribution
towards repair of the portacabin floor.
Claire stated that applications for Ward Funding needed to be
submitted by the end of April and decisions will be made before the
May local elections.
At the Glen Allotments Committee meeting held last week, it was
agreed that we would submit an application for the following items: 3
Picnic Tables with extensions for disabled persons; 1 Notice Board to
be installed on the outside the portacabin. Other items suggested at
the Association meeting were (a) a Gas Heater & Cylinder to heat the
portacabin when required; (2) a camping gas cooker and other
utensils to enable coffee/tea to be made in and outside of the
portacabin; (3) 2 Pasting Tables which can be used when selling
Susie Braithwaite has very kindly volunteered to do the application,
with assistance from Claire.
There was a suggestion that people using woodchip brought onto the
allotments should be asked to make a voluntary contribution to help

raise funds for the Association. However, it was agreed that as we
receive this free from the Council then we should not request
We should also look for other sources to obtain woodchip and Adam
suggested that we could contact tree surgeon companies, such as Lewis
Tree Surgery or Aborwise Tree Surgery and ask if they could let us
have woodchip if they are working in our area.
According to our Constitution, the AGM should be scheduled to take
place in October.

1. Area on the left hand side by the gate is in a very bad state and
people are dumping green waste there. It was agreed that Claire,
Efro, Mariela, and Celina & Les Gee would meet at 10:00 am on
Saturday, 13 th April to clear, tidy up and re-plant this area.
2. Mariela kindly donated the extra money she had paid for her
membership to the Association.
3. It was agreed that Claire would contact Gail Farrington from the
Hempland Allotments Committee and meet with her to get an
insight into how their Association works and could work for us.
4. Raised Bed on Boundary of the Allotments: Claire raised the
matter of this raised bed which officially does not belong to anyone
with Adam, who informed us that YACIO plan to develop a new
plot in this area. YACIO will be contacting the surrounding
allotment holders and asking them to contact YACIO for more
information. There was some comments made about the fact that
there was a possibility this area was contaminated, but no-one was
certain if this was true. Adam to also talk to the person who is
presently using this area.
5. Tang Hall Community Plots (Part of Plot 46): As these are no
longer being used by Tang Hall Community Center, Claire asked
Adam if it was possible for Tara Mason, one of our young
allotment holders, to use one of the raised beds to grow flowers for
a project she was undertaking for Gardener’s World. Her design
was accepted by Gardener’s World and she will need to display
her garden at their Exhibition in Birmingham in June. Adam said
he would talk with Plot 46.
This would be good publicity for Glen Allotments.

6. Adam stated that YACIO were prepared to put a new lock on the
gate, but a decision was taken at the last Association meeting to
leave the gate as it is for the time being.
7. It was agreed that we should put a new lock on the portacabin.
8. The issue of whether people were allowed to use hoses for water
was discussed. This matter had been brought up at YACIO’s
AGM, but still needs to be clarified.

The date of the next Association Meeting was set for Saturday, 8 th
June 2019 at 10:00 at Glen Allotments.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Allotment Association Minutes 9th Feb 2019




Members Present: Claire Kennard, Chairperson
Norah Godfrey, Treasurer
Efro Tooms, Acting Secretary
Les Gee
Mariela Munoz del Valle
Ann Harper
John Harper
Dorothy Godfrey
Celina Gee
Andy Holt
Susie Braithwaite
Audrey Johnstone
Dave Matthews
Margaret Matthews
Guest: Adam Myers, YACIO
Apologies: Tara & Dave Mason

Motion to approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 2 nd November 2018 was proposed by
Celina and agreed unanimously.
1. Site Secretary Vacancy: Claire informed members that John Harper has now been
appointed as the second Site Secretary.
2. New Tenancies: Celina explained the procedure to deal with new tenancies. This
would start with her sending out an email to new tenants with copy going to John. He
would then show new tenants around the site. They will be working as a team. She
also informed the meeting that there were now only 2 vacant plots and 24 people are
on the waiting list. There are a number of plots which are in a bad state and need to
be cleared before being allocated. As YACIO have some extra money to use at
different sites, a bid has been put in to clear the plots and make them useable. Adam
Myers agreed in principle.
3. Portacabin Update: Celina had put in an application to YACIO for funds to repair
the portacabin floor. Adam said that, in principle, some money could be made
available and we had originally applied for £300, but what YCIO may give us would
only be £150. He suggested that it might be a good idea for us to try to get a
matching amount by applying for ward funding. Celina’s application has been
marked as an “urgent” request.
4. Shed Update: Adam explained what had happened at the meeting held between the
holders of plot 46, YACIO and Claire and Efro as representatives of the Association.
At this meeting, the three men from Plot 46 stated that they had decided not to run a
shop from the renovated shed and that they intended to remove all the materials used

for the renovation. A letter was sent to them from YACIO after they had started to
dismantle the repairs, telling them that nothing should be removed but this was
entirely ignored and the shed is now back to it’s original condition, i.e. it is unsafe to
The Association had raised the matter of Plot 46 having applied and received ward
funding to “do work in the parking area, put up signage and repair the shed” and
whether that funding had been used correctly. Adam confirmed that ward funding
could, in fact, be used entirely for one item of work listed and not necessarily all three
as shown on the ward funding application. It was agreed that the shed is a liability
and the best solution would probably be to demolish it.
5. Stones near Entrance: These have now been removed.
6. Notice Board Update: As we do not have the funds to buy a new notice board to put
on the portacabin at this time, it was agreed that Association notices should be
printed and laminated and displayed on the front of the portacabin on the remains of
an old notice board.
7. Police Marking Tools: It was agreed that Celina would contact the police and get a
few dates for them to come to the allotment to mark tools. It was agreed that this
would be done over one weekend in April.
8. Manure Deliveries: After some discussion it was agreed that Association members
would pay £1 per wheelbarrow and non-members £2.
9. Christmas Social Event at Green Lane: Claire and Efro attended this event hosted
by the Green Lane Allotments and had a very enjoyable evening.
10. Lock for Gate at Entrance to Allotments: Again, after considerable discussion, it
was agreed that no locking device would be put on the gate for the time being.
11. Low level lighting in Portacabin: It was agreed that it would be too costly to try
and put electricity in the portacabin.
12. Skip: Most members agreed that the skip paid by YACIO in 2018 was too small and
some people were using it to discard items that should not have been on the
allotments in the first place. YACIO will only pay for one skip per year. However,
both Norah and Adam mentioned that in the past there was a person who was
prepared to come and privately take away unwanted items. Both Norah and Adam to
try and find contact information for this person. Members will monitor what is going
into the skip the next time we have one.

Norah stated that at this time there is a sum of £135.81 in the bank account and has cash in
hand of £52 profit from the sale of the manure and a further £11 from other sources.
It was also clarified that allotment holders who wish to become members of the Association
pay the fee of £5 for joining, irrespective of the number of plots they hold. The Association
year will run from 1 st June to 31 st May.
At present the membership cards held by Norah show the name of the allotment holder, the
allotment number and the date of joining the Association. It also shows that holders of
membership cards can get a 10% discount if they shop for plants, etc. at Deans. Claire has
also spoken to Veritigro on the Malton Road and they are happy to also give a 10% discount.
However, they insist that their name should also be advertised on the membership card.
After some discussion on how this could be done on the blank cards that Norah now holds,

Susie Braithwaite very kindly offered to donate new cards showing both Deans and Vertigro
on the front. It was also agreed that the date section should be left blank and Norah can write
in the dates as and when a new membership card is issued.
With John Harper being appointed as one of the Site Secretaries, there was need for
additional Committee members. Susie Braithwaite and Ann Harper both kindly agreed to
serve on the Committee.
After some discussion, it was agreed that John would continue to do his Blog and Ann would
be responsible for putting on the minutes of meetings and other information relating to the
It was also agreed that the Minutes which will be posted on the notice board at the Portacabin
will be a précis of the full minutes and those wishing to read the full minutes will need to
access the blog.
All site secretaries will meet with YACIO on Monday, 11 th February 2019. Members should
contact either Celina or John is there is anything they would like discussed at these meetings.
This will be followed up by Claire.
Claire has investigated whether it is possible to obtain insurance and has been told that it is
not possible to insure a structure which can so easily be broken into.
1. John asked whether any members were interested in sharing the cost of buying a large
quantity of onions for planting out, but there was not enough interest to make it
2. The matter of when the AGM would be held was brought up and agreed that it will be
discussed at the next meeting.
3. Claire asked Adam whether there was a deadline for returning the survey on all
community plots. He said that the deadline was end of December but he wasn’t sure yet
whether they had all been returned.
The date of the next Association meeting was set for Sunday, 7 th April at 10:00 at the Portacabin.


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

In The Sh*t

Saturday we were well and truly in the sh*t, but you could say that we were as happy as pigs in the sh*t! Audrey Johnstone arranged a load of horse manure to be delivered. Derek who delivered it was most helpful and waited whilst people loaded their barrows from the trailer. When it became difficult to get to the manure he unloaded it into the bin and then brought his tractor round and filled the front loader bucket for people to load from the bucket. This load of manure was delivered free of charge on the understanding that users would chip money in to go towards the Poppy Appeal. So don't forget, if you had some manure please make your donation to the Poppy appeal via Audrey. Future deliveries of manure will not be free of charge and will cost £50 a trailer load. As the manure had all gone by Monday afternoon we need to put together some finance to get another load and to make a charge for it that will recoup the cost and make some money towards further loads. My suggestion would be a pound a barrow. I am willing to put £10 in to the fund for the next load in anticipation that I will use ten barrow loads from the next delivery. Is anybody else willing to do similar?

A Spot Of Paint On The Outside

Work is progressing on the Portakabin. A coat of paint has been applied to the body of the outside. I found the tin of Masonry paint thet Robin had used to paint it dark green about ten years ago and the contents of the tin were usable with about a third of the tin. I also had some masonry paint in white that I had bought probably ten years ago and also still in usable condition. Just to make sure I added a quantity of PVA adhesive to the mix resulting in a rather tasteful lighter green which went on very well. It was all done in between showery days when we had some sunshine this week. We now need some black gloss paint to cover over the peeled areas on the metalwork. I'll have to see what I can scrounge up for that job. Once that is done it will just leave the floor. A bid has been put in to YACIO for funding to do that and we hope to hear sometime soon on that.

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Association Minutes 22/09/2018

As promised at the association meeting here are the minutes of the September meeting. I'll try and post the November minutes as soon as I have them

Glen Allotment Association

Minutes of the meeting held at Glen Allotments on 22nd September 2018 at 10am

Members Present:    Claire Kennard, Chairperson
            John Harper, Vice- person
            Norha Godfrey, Treasurer
            Tara Mason, Secretary
            Efro Tooms,
            Colin , YACIO member

                Dorothy Godfrey
                Dave Mason
                John Harper
                Dave Matthews
                Margaret Matthews
                Suzie Braithwaite
                Mariela Munoz del Valle
                Claudia Peca

Apologies:         Celina and Les Gee
                       Joanna Mikler-Humble
                Andy Holt
                Stephen Mansfield
                Catherine Macodle
                Audrey Johnstone
Minutes of previous meeting Approved

Claire welcomed everyone to the meeting, including YACIO member Colin.

Treasurer’s report
Norah updated us with the bank details and how much we have in the account. Tara still has to change her name at the bank for the account due to recently becoming married. She will do this one she has her marriage certificate back from the DVLA. Claire to have a paper copy of bank statements each month from Nora.  

Membership updates
During the summer Tara dropped off the membership card at Deans Garden Centre so that members can receive 10% off purchases. Norah has kindly said that she will go to Vertigrow to give them one of our membership cards to obtain a discount too. We have recently had more members signing up to the association which is good news. Norah is to give them their membership cards. New membership forms are needed for Claire Kennard, Audrey Johnson, Joanna Miller. Payments have been received from Andy Holt, Gail Holt, Steve Mansfield, Joanna Miller and Audrey Johnson.

How new members obtain their membership cards
New members contact Norah whos details are on the notice board at the allotment
They meet up with Norah and are given a membership form
New members pay £5 to Norah and are given a receipt and membership card.
The completed form is given to Tara
Tara adds details to the database on google docs
Tara passes information to Norah, who then stores the information securely along with bank details.

Portacabin for meetings
Colin inspected the portacabin and suggested that it could be repaired. It needs a new floor and part of the roof. Colin said that YACIO could be approached to see if they could fund the repairs. It was suggested that Nev, who is a fellow tenant could be asked to see if he could make an initial cost of the repairs. Colin to let Claire know if there was a possibility of using the shed by the entrance as a temporary base for meetings. Current one next to the toilet is too dangerous to meet up in. Claire suggested the use of the grey/brown shed as a possible shop for members to buy compost/seeds from. This needs more research and possibly funding too.

Compost toilet update
Efro has kindly offered to bring a light to add to the toilet. Dave offered to find out about obtaining sawdust.

Bays in parking update
John was thanked for doing a temporary repair.

Notice board
Tara has offered to search for one on gumtree but currently is unable to find one. There was a suggestion that we make ones ourselves. To make it laminated? Members to research this. Dave to ask about Howarth company what wood would be best.

Rat control
To be mindful of rubbish collecting on the plots as this makes for homes for rodents. To use rat poison or traps if necessary. It was noted that Colin may be able to borrow some rat traps for our usage.

Marking of tools
This is to be carried over to the next meeting as a date for marking of the tools was not agreed.

Skip to arrive on the 5th October  and will be here until the 8th october.  Some members said they would help.

Colin stated that we would be getting a lock for the front gate to the allotment entrance. Colin has said that he will include cutting back the hedge by entrance as part of the overall tidying up by YACIO. Colin stated that he would look at the arrangements already in place for community plots.

Manure- It was agreed that we would like a supplier.
Database information on google docs to be available to hair, vice chair, treasurer and secretary. All agreed in earlier meeting just before the main one. All members have signed the disclaimer stating that their information can be saved for the purpose of the association.
Minutes on the gardening blog, to send out to members the link for website - John
Water tap notice to be made - Ann
Colin - Invited all members to the Green Lane Allotments Christmas social event on the 8th December. He was thanked for the invite and will let us know more details soon!
Use of subplots/groups
Report on school children's plots
Any future changes to the communal areas should be discussed with association.

Saturday 3rd November at 10am - Glen Allotments

Monday, October 29, 2018

Refurbishing The Portakabin

Due to neglect the Portakabin had suffered over the years. The roof was damaged and letting in water. As a result, tsections of the fibreboard floor had become soft and was falling apart. To reinstate the roof would cost £1000 upwards. Nev came up with an alternative solution of putting a steel sheeting roof over the existing roof by fixing to the metal frame that surrounded the hut. Material was available second hand for £200 which was paid for by a benefactor. Nev covered the cost of the fixings and put the the new top on the hut on Wednesday afternoon with minimal help from Les and I who were lifting the sheets from the van and passing them up to Nev for fixing in place.

Since then with the help of other volunteers from the association the inner walls and ceiling have been washed down and painted with emulsion paint. Four bucket loads of soil and rubbish were removed along with four bucket loads of dirty water almost like mud from washing the walls. A call for unused spare emulsion paint provide material to put on a coat of pale yellow for the walls and ceiling with a contrasting olive green for the end walls and door.

I managed to find about two litres of the green masonry paint used on the outside and mixed with some white masonry paint I had at home there is just about enough to do the external surfaces in a paler green that is a similar shade to the green contrast walls inside. We are now waiting for a window in the weather for a few dry days to get the outside done.

After a few days with roof on the floor is starting to dry. The inside of the hut is now beginning to look respectable.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Cold Frosty Sunday Sunrise

On Sunday 7th October I happened to be at the allotment as the sun was rising with my camera handy. It was a cold frosty morning. In the foreground you can see my greenhouse with Tang Hall Primary School in the background with wonderful sunrise colours to round the image off. Since then we have had a burst of summery weather taking us back up to 21 degrees C and then cooling with bursts of rain.

The allotment association has recently restarted with about sixteen members. Claire Kennard is Chair, Norah Godfrey is Treasurer, Tara Mason is secretary, Efro is membership secretary, and somehow I ended up as Vice Chair.

I have been going through some of the information that I got on the start of allotments in York. Glen Allotments was created in 1919 from three parcels of land. The three parcels were pieces from Glen Lodge, church land and a parcel of pasture land purchased from a dairy farmer. the pasture field forms a corner of the allotment and a section of Fourth Avenue. Initially the allotments stretched through to East Parade more or less surrounding three sides of Glen Lodge. As time went by during lulls in the desire to have an allotment, sections were taken away to make Glen Gardens, the tennis and basketball courts and Poplar tree gardens flats. By the Millennium only about ten plots were still active. Much of the site was covered in Brambles. A large chunk was about to be appropriated by the council for other uses and a hard battle was fought to preserve the status of the land as allotments. Fortunately interest peaked again and once more there is a waiting list for a plot.

Vandalism has reared its ugly head again. Several sheds were entered recently and tools removed and put on to other plots. Most jumbled tools have been reunited with their rightful owners. I still have two items left that need to be reunited, a screwdriver with a red and yellow handle with a distinctive marking on the handle and a hoe with a reddish brown rubber handle. If these are yours, let me know so I can return them.