Glen Allotments Association Committee Meeting
Held on the 4th September 2010 at the Portacabin
Apologies Albert Smethern, Terry Goody, John Harper.
Committee Members Present, Chairman Barry Bothamley, Treasurer Norah Godfrey, Site Secretary Robin Cooper, Ann Harper, Nev Lowes, Mac Mitchell, and Audrey Stockdale.
Minutes by Norah Godfrey
1 Meeting declared open at 4pm by Barry, he asked if there were any issues from the last minutes.
1-1 there were none.
2 Secretary's Report.
2-1 No report as secretary not present
3 Treasurers Report
3-1 Report Presented and offered to hand it round but declined by the committee, so it was read out by Norah suggesting fund raising needs to be done, and also the new £10 Assoc fee has been well received with only a few plot holders left to join if they want to.
4 Identifying a Tenancy
4-1 Robin explained Ix 1/2 plot is 1 tenancy, 2x1/2 plots is 1 tenancy,! full plot is 1 tenancy, this has helped to define the Assoc charges, However, depending on the condition of some plots at the time of applying, some cases of 2plots have been classed as 1 tenancy with 1 vote.
5 Concrete Road Edge Two committee members have expressed their disgust and anger about the road strengthening that has encroached on their plot and their neighbours, who apparently have been very upset about this but have not approached the Association about it
5-1 Barry took a look at the road and found some of it is breaking up, but it was following the natural line, at the time of putting it down it was a last minute decision as there was some cement left over from laying the path and it was near setting.
5-2 Norah to apologise on behalf of the Assoc to the plot holders and explain why the hasty repair was done
6 Main Gate
6-1 The gate has been left open over night on a few occasions, please look around when leaving, if in doubt shut and lock it, if you need the number contact a committee member all their numbers are on the notice board.
6-2 New larger signs are to be purchased reminding people to shut and lock the gate.
7 Locks on plot gates
7-1 Barry pointed out that no plot gate should have a lock on, please read your agreement which says no locks are permitted.
8 Taps
8-1 Norah mentioned that some plots have their own taps, which Judith has said needs removing, only the disabled plot is to have its own ,all others are for communal use. Robin Cooper has had no info from Judith about removing personal taps, confirmation to be asked next time Judith on site.
9 Rubbish Dumping
9-1 Please don't create an eyesore, keep your rubbish on your plot until a date is given for the skip, or take it away in your car if you can. Ta.
10 Rubbish Bin
10-1 There is a black/grey bin by the loo for litter rubbish, not for can's,wood,or plastic, there will be some re-cycling boxes arriving, these may be stored by the side of the portacabin for everyone's use.
11 Shop & Shed Keys
11-1 Robin was asked if there were any spare keys, and there are none, so, the only key holders for the sheds are Robin, Barry, Albert, Mac, and Norah.
12 Compost Delivery
Norah mentioned the delivery man gets produce as a thank you for the delivery and on each occasion it is the same handful of people giving, there are many more getting the benefit of the compost and are unaware of the giving of produce, would cash tip be better?
2-1 Nev pointed out that that would deplete what money has been saved; he gave the next delivery date as Thursday 30th of September produce needs to be ready on Wednesday the 29th September. This will be the last delivery of the Season Compost and Manure to Non Members is to cost £10x3 barrow loads.
13 Plot 46
13-1 Judith Ward came to talk to some committee members about the plans the Assoc had for plot 46 in hope to take it over, she talked at length with Barry & Mac over the plans and saw no reason for us not to have it, unfortunately, the next day Robin had a meeting with Judith, and he told us we were not able to have it, which was a blow for everyone. However, Judith was contacted for an application form for another one, she discussed plot 46 again, and things looked more promising. Mac then got the go ahead on the 11th September. Barry to get paper work in the post.
13-2 The cleaning up of plot 46 has started and also around that area, as you will have noticed so watch this space on plot 46
13-3 Judith mentioned to Barry that the Assoc will need insurance for that plot which Barry had already got in hand with Albert and lucky for us the one he choose entitles the Assoc to ½ price seeds.
13-4 As plot 46 is going to be for disabled children it needs to be supervised for
health and safety reasons Barry has suggested certain times of access.
14 AOB
14-1 Dates For Your Diary
3rd of October volunteers to clean up the site, good day to get rid of your rubbish! Judith to order a skip for us.
10th of October volunteers needed to plant up daffs all round the site, holes will be dug with a machine. Amen to that!
16th of October Table Top Sale please bring your unwanted items to the site they can be stored in the sheds just let one of us know when you are bringing it, Please do your best to support the Assoc as proceeds are going to improve the site and the disabled plot. Flyers have been done just need circulating in the area. There will be a tombola, raffle, cake stall, and refreshments
30th of October Halloween Fancy Dress Party, please choose a safe place to land your broomsticks avoiding all sheds,poly tunnels, green houses, and fencing at all costs, for a more adventurous landing try circling the flats twice and approach the driveway upside down from the main gate, a safety net on request.Food and drinks info nearer the time, Bring your own Chinese lanterns.
14-2 Tidy up the green bay area and arrange an open day with councillors
14-3 Commemorative Plaque- John and Ann Harper have had a plaque made which has now been put on the middle bay.
14-4 Splading Flower Show There is a trip planned to go to the Spalding Flower show, stopping off for breakfast at a farm shop first, this will be the first Sunday in MAY let us know ASAP so transport can be booked, Association members have to DECEMBER 1st to put their
names down and then it will be open to non-members and friends.
14-5 Pumpkin competition weighs in on Sunday 24ln October 12noon
14-6 Potatoes competition Winner, was.Robin Cooper well done Robin with 541bs of spuds!!Robin donated his winnings of £20 to the Association thank you.
Last and by no means least
An official thank you to Nev and the lads for preparing the ground and making the foot path over 2 week ends nice job! THANK YOU
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