Sunday, September 23, 2007

Tom Phil and Peter's Diggin Allotment Day

For a larger view of any of the photos click on the photo, this will take you to the Picasa web photo album of my photos taken today.

About a week ago an invite popped through the door inviting us to a barbecue and digging allotment day with a request to bring tools, a bottle or can if we wished and something for the barbecue if we wished. So a number of us rolled up to the allotment at ten thirty Sunday morning armed with tools and drinks.

OK so we are all together but where are we going start?

Well a good place to get started would be to put the tea tent up!

Well everybody seems to have to set themselves some tasks to do and are getting stuck in.

Well, the pile of weeds is getting bigger at the back and there are still plenty more weeds to be dug up.

Peter and his mum and dad have made a start on Peter's section of the allotment and have discovered some red cabbage plants.

There is a lot of activity going on here, Bill has rough dug an area full of wicks and rough grass whilst others have got the beds around the beetroot and broccoli cleared.

Nobody seems to be ready yet for a cup of tea!

Holly is engrossed in some close combat with the weeds in and around the broccoli, and the pile at the back has grown sideways.

Time for tea break and a chat.

Still tea break.

Firing up the barbecue.

Soon be time to eat!

Peter multitasking, eating an apple whilst raking soil.

Nose bags on, dinner is served!

Lunchtime progress report, it is looking good.

Brambles cleared from the sheeted area where the orchard is planned.

Lunch still in progress.

Back to work and time to fork over the patch Bill dug and get the bindweed and wicks out.

The weed pile on Peter's patch must ne about fouur feet tall.

The pile at the back of Tom's plot is fairly big as well. Most folks have gone home now and the plot is looking a lot tidier. Everybody enjoyed the day and felt that it had been worthwhile in many ways having made new friends and felt the pleasure of working together for a common goal. Part of the funding for the day came from "Inclusion North" for "Small Sparks" funding for this wonderful "Diggin Day"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear JollyGreenP,

I appreciate this may be a strange request but I wondered if we might be able to use one of these images without copyright infringement issues?

I am Trial Manager of an NHS research project called the ACT NoW study and we have
developed a rating scale to allow us to 'measure' participants functional communication.
This rating scale is designed to be used with communication impaired NHS patients so
we use pictures to help understanding.

one of these pics (particularly showing the group gardening but also socialising / tea drinking) would be useful for one of our questions so I wonder if you and the other people in the picture would be happy for us to use this picture in our rating
scale? The rating scale will likely become a tool that could be used by therapists in the
future to measure functional communication so it could potentially have a wide

Kind regards and I look forward to hearing from you,
Emma (