Sunday, April 20, 2008

Portakabin Progress and Spring Flowering

Work on the Portakabin is progressing with a coat of green paint having been applied on Friday by a bunch from Community Services. Amazing how a coat of paint can transform the appearance. The community plot is now reasonably clear and a large pile of scrubwood and rubbish has been created in the car park and a space cleared next to the pile for a delivery of compost.

One broad bean plant on Brian's allotment has sprouted flowers despite only being a couple of inches high and the magnolia is just starting to bud whilst the Berberis Darwinii is in full flame flower.

Looks like Terry has decided not to bother with careful digging and weeding of his plot and taken the pragmatic approach of spraying it with Glyphosate and will be digging in the dead weeds.

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